Friendly Fill-Ins Week 429


Hi everyone. Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I am so not looking forward to ____________________________________.

2. _____________________________ is surprisingly delicious.

3. I need a welcome sign at my front door that says _________.
4. I would _________ if it meant that I could _________.
My answers:
1. I am so not looking forward to attending pee wee football games to see the girls cheer. I love them and will go, but I don’t like the whole football/cheerleader thing. I was hoping they wouldn’t be shallow, but I fear this could make them that way. And I hate football and really don’t think little ones should be playing because it is dangerous. Pardon my rant.
2. A chocolate chip cookie made with almond flour and no sugar chocolate chips is surprisingly delicious. I have been making them for my hubby for a while now and decided to try them.
3. I need a welcome sign at my front door that says No solicitors, we are running out of places to hide the bodies. I actually saw one online like that.
Tuffy volunteered to help me with #4 because I was stuck.
4. I would let my folks pet me if it meant that I could get a whole bag of treats for myself.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from November 2014, Angel Spooky. Make sure you stop by Saturday for our Black Cat themed giveaway.

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  1. That’s a cute pic of Angel Spooky. I can really relate to your #1. I don’t like the danger to the players. It would have been easy to attend games considering where I live. I never have. Have watched on TV with friends but just to visit with friends. XO

  2. Oh, Ms E, mama understands perfectly your thoughts about cheerleaders and baby football and more. Mama was a cheerleader (NOT at 7!) and when anyone asks her about it, she is uncomfortable saying she was one, but at the time, it was something to do. Now she’s not sure at all about little kids getting into that scene. Are there boy cheerleaders too?????

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I don’t think there are any boys on their teams. I will let you know. XO

  3. I was so surprised when I came to the USA about the early age at which they start any and all sport competitions here…It was not like that during my school years. Any sports were strictly within the school setting, as in PE class… I never went to any HS sport events, let alone a cheerleader! I hope your influences on the girls will hold steady while they do this thing…wow, SO young 🤨
    #3 made me laugh!! And we hope that someday Tuffy will let you pet him, he has no clue what he’s missing, poor dude!

    1. I am so not looking forward to Halloween….my least favorite holiday…(sorry, I know you love it!)
    2.Vegan food is surprisingly delicious. I have lots of recipes…and vegan son approves most of the ones I have made for him…and we all eat the same when he’s here.

    3. I need a welcome sign at my front door that says enter at own risk, crazy. annealing dog lives here…Dalton will still bite men for no reason, other than they are crossing his path…he just won’t/can’t unload his ‘baggage even after all the years he’s been with y=us.
    4. I would hire a yard man if it meant that I could simply tend to the more fun outdoor work such as my patio and the bird feeders., Alas at this point we cannot afford that…sigh….

    1. This country is sports crazy. Thank you for these great answers. To each his own on the Halloween. 🙂 I don’t like the scary/evil part of it, but I like whimsical and fun and fall things. Glad you found some good vegan recipes. Poor Dalton. He is blessed that he has you. I wish you could hire help, I wish I could too. 🙂 XO

  4. That is a sweet photo of Angel Spooky. The chocolate chip cookies sound good. I saw a very similar sign on Basil and the B Team’s blog today except it said No Trespassing instead of No Solicitors.

  5. Yes, the parents tend to let their kids get involved in older types of game thingies. I am with you. Let them be their own age with things they can do without pressure.

  6. Contact sports can be dangerous. I wouldn’t worry about your nieces. Cheerleading won’t make them shallow. I was a cheerleader in elementary school and junior high. I made the high school squad but decided to drop out. I definitely wasn’t one of the popular girls and I never felt pretty. I’m fairy confident no one thought of me as being shallow or stuck up. I think an over confident child brains or appearance may often come off as being this way and maybe they are but I think it partly is a reflection on oneself’s lack of self esteem which probably caused me (as well as others) to think this way about these kinds of kids. This is just they way I see these things now. With age comes a certain understanding of the undercurrents in people’s lives. That’s something younger kids don’t get and sometimes never do. I understand your concerns, though.

    Your warning to solicitors made me smile. I won’t even answer the door if it’s someone I don’t know. I just don’t want to be bothered with someone who wants my opinion or to sell me a magazine subscription that I don’t have time to read to start with.

    I lifted your fill-ins and will post mine on Sunday. Thanks for sharing. Have a good weekend, dearie!

    1. Yes, I don’t like contact sports especially for little ones. I look forward to your answers. Have a nice weekend. XO

  7. Our neighbor goes to his 10 year old grandson’s softball games constantly. We live in northern Ohio and he has gone to Ky, and Michigan and Indiana for this young kid’s games! I am glad I have no one to follow around at those miles. And I do not like sports. The cookies sound a lot like ones I make since I gave up sugar and flour. Enjoy. Spooky looked to be handsome of course.

    1. WOW! That is a lot of traveling. I love the girls, but I am not going to another state for a sport. Thank you. 🙂 Spooky was a great cat. XO

  8. I’m tired today and can’t think of things to put in the fill-ins. It’s that kind of morning.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  9. Charlee: “Our Dada has never understood the whole football thing either. He mostly played baseball in school, where I gather they don’t have cheerleaders, and then he played soccer for a year, but I guess he didn’t like it much because he says he should’ve stuck with baseball.”
    Chaplin: “Sing the song of our people, Angel Spooky!”

  10. Angel Spooky is a great representative for Black Cat Appreciation Day… and there is Trouble 🙂
    Tuffy, I don’t know… would you hold up your end of the deal?
    My Fill-Ins~
    1. I am so not looking forward to snowbird season.
    2. A small bite of peanut butter and then a bite of chili is surprisingly delicious.
    3. I need a welcome sign at my front door that says do not ring bell unless you have brought good FOOD.
    4. I would _________ if it meant that I could _________.
    Sorry, I could not think of anything for #4.
    Happy Friday Meowing Crew!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I don’t think he would. Thank you for these great answers. I would never have thought to try #2. Good idea for the sign. XO

  11. Ellen you have me rolling on the floor Oh do I agree.
    We have a ‘no solicitors’ sign by the door bell. So they knock on the door. The get the same reaction no answer but they think they are clever. NOT
    3. I need a welcome sign at my front door that says No solicitors, we are running out of places to hide the bodies. I actually saw one online like that.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Glad we agree. I was surprised when I read Basil’s blog and they had a photo of the same sign. 🙂 XO

  12. The cookies do sound good, and I had a hard time coming up with an answer to #4 also.

    Thank you for linking Angel Spooky up for Feline Friday. Black cats are fabulous.

  13. Pawsome fill-ins. I’m afraid my front door sign wouldn’t be too friendly these days. I’m becoming less and less enamoured with people the older I get. Maybe the girls will lose interest in the who cheerleader/football thing. 🤞🏼 We’ll keep our paws crossed on that one.

  14. For the little kiddo, maybe you can focus on the cooperation and team-building aspects of cheering. Girls building confidence, encouraging each other, staying fit. But yeah, I think kids’ sports get way more attention than they should.

  15. That would be an awesome no soliciting sign. We have a simple one at the front door, and it is mostly ignored. But this summer for some reason, our Ring doorbell camera is letting us see many of those annoying salespeople actually back away.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  16. I don’t blame you on the first one. But do take heart about the girls because upbringing makes a huge difference. 😀 Alternative flours have been interesting to try and I also feel you on the whole solicitor thing. I used a chalk marker on our front door window glass to write, “Solicitors, please go away. Do not knock. Leave a brochure.” Funny enough, I don’t think my husband has even noticed it despite visibility from indoors. lol He’d probably disapprove for some quirky reason yet it’s worked like a charm. Tuffy, you’ll eventually understand what you’re missing, but in the meantime know that you scored the kitty jackpot when it comes to homes. Hugs and best wishes to you all.

    1. Thank you. That was a good idea to keep them away. I hope Tuffy decides to trust us someday. XO

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