Friendly Fill-Ins Week 423


Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. My favorite beverage to drink when it is hot out is _____________________.
2. My favorite summer activity is ____________________.
3. I’m grateful that I have the freedom to _________.
4. If I don’t _________, I’ll forget _________.
My answers:
1. My favorite beverage to drink when it is hot out is hot coffee. I used to like iced coffee back when it was hard to find, but now that Dunkin and other places have it year-round, I seem to have lost interest.
2. My favorite summer activity is staying in the air-conditioned house. Summer is my least favorite season with the heat, humidity and mosquitoes.
3. I’m grateful that I have the freedom to have as many cats as I want.
4. If I don’t write a daily to-do list, I’ll forget to medicate Brody.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from July 2019, Angel Emmy was celebrating the 4th of July.

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  1. Angel Emmy sure was a sweet patriot!

    1. My favorite beverage to drink when it is hot out is freshly made lemonade.
    2. My favorite summer activity is hmmm….maybe sitting in the shade under the patio umbrella?? I don’t much care for summer, either, I prefer spring and fall..
    3. I’m grateful that I have the freedom to pursue my hobbies and keep on working on*my* terms…
    4. If I don’t keep a rather strict routine, I’ll forget just about everything I am supposed to do!

  2. Well, mama says we all forget so much because our brains are too full of information that we didn’t have long ago, haha. Too much tech stuff and iPhone stuff and too much hollywood drama TV news and too many things on a to do list and we need to hide our phones and computers at least two days a week and just sit under that Meezer umbrella with a calm brain…

  3. My Mom loved iced coffee and when I was a little kid would let me have a small glass with a bit of milk. I am grateful for your #3. Sweet Emmy wore it best. Love and miss her♥
    My Fill-Ins ~
    1. My favorite beverage to drink when it is hot out is ice tea with lemonade… half iced tea, half lemonade in a Tervis tumbler.
    2. My favorite summer activity is sitting and dreaming of Florida’s idea of Fall when we are three or so degrees less hot.
    3. I’m grateful that I have the freedom to be quirky.
    4. If I don’t journal daily, I’ll forget and get out of the routine.
    Thank you, Ellen!

    1. Thank you for loving Emmy too. When the girls were here, I kept asking them if they want some coffee. 🙂 Thank you for these great answers, especially #2- we can fly our freak flags all we want. XO

  4. MY fave drink in Summer is water and lemonade. And I’m grateful to come and go when I want to. I have long been anchored to strict bed and rising times and work. I enjoyed seeing the fill-ins. I always do. And I identify with most.

  5. Awww, what a wonderfully festive shot of your sweet Angel Emmy. Dad’s answers are: #1- Beer. #2- Hiking. #3- Follow mom’s many lists, notes and Post-its. #4- Follow mom’s many lists, notes and Post-its/Do everything on them.

  6. Angel Emmy is too adorable in her festive gear. We’re with you about summer and definitely appreciate lists which can be lifesaving when life is so full of activities and keeps us busy.
    Your fur-iends,
    Elsa and Wilson the House Pony 🐾

  7. Adorable pic of patriotic Angel Emmy.
    My favorite beverage to drink when it’s hot is cold water infused with lemon
    My favorite summer activity is sitting inside with the A/C. I am not a fan of hot weather
    I am grateful I have the freedom to be me and do things at my own pace
    If I don’t enter notes in my computer’s calendar, I forget them.

  8. I haven’t enjoyed an iced coffee yet this summer. I think I may have to this weekend now. Happy Friday!

  9. I am with you on summer being the very least favorite time of the year….I cannot tolerate it at all and OMCs the skeeters love me.
    Yesterday was our hottest July 4 on record 101 real temperature
    Worse today and tomorrow.
    I charged up my kindle and have lots of good books in my ‘library’.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Lulu: “Our Dada loves iced coffee in the summertime, but apparently everyone else in town has discovered the drive-through coffee shop he used to go to on the way home from getting groceries because now the line goes all the way around the parking lot, so he hasn’t gotten any iced coffee there in months.”
    Java Bean: “Ayyy, Dada is not one for big lines, especially when he has groceries in the trunk!”

  11. I drink iced black coffee every morning, but make it myself.

    Thank you, Angel Emmy, for the 4th of July flashback and for joining Feline Friday!

  12. I worked outside today during a gentle rain. Neighbors think I’m crazy but my preference is to stay cool and shaded, even if damp. lol While mosquitoes still find me the bites are less frequent.

    Your so-called ‘wanting’ cats should be rephrased as ‘rescuing’. ~hugs~ On a side note, you can make iced coffee with instant grounds or a potted brew. Not something I do often due to low caffeine tolerance, it’s a cheap alternative you can flavor however you prefer.

    Blessings, my dear.

  13. No matter how hot it is, Mom’s favorite beverage will always be a good hot cup of nicely brewed tea. And like you, if it isn’t on her list, it won’t get done:)

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  14. I’m with you on retreating to the indoors in the comfort of the AC during the summer. It’s my least favorite time of the year, too. I’ll share my fill-ins on Sunday! 😉

  15. Hope you and all the kitties had a marvelous 4th of July and that those darn fireworks didn’t make you run to the basement. Angel Emmy did a great job expressing her Catriotism. No boomies for her because she’s beyond that. She’s a good caretaker on high for the rest of you. Cheers!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 They are very muffled with the windows shut, a/c and tv on. XO

  16. 1. My favorite beverage to drink when it is hot out is ice cold water or Gatorade.
    2. My favorite summer activity is staying cool and reading lots of books.
    3. I’m grateful that I have the freedom to come and go as I please.
    4. If I don’t write it down, I’ll forget what it is that I wanted to do.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to all the kitties and a hug to you. ♥

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