Friendly Fill-Ins Week 422


Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. My summer bucket list includes _____________, _____________________ and ____________________.
2. ___________________ and _______________ are things you will never find in my home.
3. I’m good at keeping _________ very tidy.
4. I can’t _________ without making a mess.
My answers:
1. My summer bucket list includes house projects, sleepover with the girls and getting all the cats caught up on checkups/rabies vaccines.
2. Marijuana and cigarettes are things you will never find in my home.
3. I’m good at keeping litter boxes very tidy. You wouldn’t believe how often I scoop every day.
4. I can’t eat a Klondike bar without making a mess.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from July 2022. My angel Joanie and her Gremmie were getting ready to celebrate The 4th of July.
Please keep our friend Jackie in your prayers as she begins chemo, to visit, click here. 
and Ellie Mae who will be having surgery soon. To visit, click here. 

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  1. What a sweet picture of Angel Joanie! Purrs for Jackie to have successful treatment and to feel better soon. Purrs also for Ellie Mae to have an easy time with surgery and a fast recovery, and to feel better soon. XO

  2. Good vibes and healing for Ellie Mae and Jackie, whom we visited a few days ago. Medical treatments are very advanced now. Cross fingers for all.

  3. We are sending much POTP and prayers to Jackie. and more to Ellie Mae.

    1. My summer bucket list includes enjoying my days off, keeping my patio plants happy and flowering and enjoying the summery days when its not too hot/humid.
    2. OUIJA boards and cigarettes are things you will never find in my home.
    3. I’m good at keeping the living room very tidy.(because we hardly ever are in there, LOL!)
    4. I can’t cook/bake without making a mess.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. Same here with #2. Ouija scares me. I hope you have a nice summer. XO

  4. That Angel Joanie! She was always ready for the good times to roll. I’m with you on number 2. None here either. Yucky things. And who in the world can eat a Klondike bar without a good bit of drip, lol.

  5. I love seeing Angel Joanie♥ Thank you so much for sharing pictures of her and your other Angels. Jackie is included in my prayers when I say my nightly Rosary. I can only imagine how often you scoop!
    My Fill-Ins~~
    1. My summer bucket list includes staying cool, watering our share of the 90 new Shady Lady trees that were just planted in our neighborhood and getting a peach milkshake at Chick-fil-A as soon as I know they are back in season.
    2. An Alexa device and a carpet cleaner are things you will never find in my home. No carpeting, only tile in our home and I already have a “smarter than me” phone.
    3. I’m good at keeping the interior of our vehicles very tidy. SSNS does the washing and waxing.
    4. I can’t make homemade egg noodles without making a mess.
    Thank you, Ellen!

    1. Thank you. That is nice that you say the rosary nightly. I used to say mine with my KaChoo cat, but stopped when she passed. Thank you for these great answers. That milkshake sounds good. There is a Chick-fil-A about 30 minutes away so next time I am out that way, I will try one. XO

      1. Their peach milkshakes are epic! You will love it, Ellen. If you get one let me know. We usually have to wait till late July, but they are serving them at our closest Chick-fil-A now!!!! They use fresh peaches!

        1. I will let you know. I won’t have a chance this coming week to go that direction, but the following week I will. XO

  6. That looks like fireworks going off there to the side pf Angel Joanie…with those pom pom like decorations! Loved the fill-ins. Always do.

    1. My Summer bucket list is cleaning out the clothes closet and the coat closet!
    2. A sewing machine and a tidy pantry (its floor, I mean) are something you’ll never find in my house.
    3. I’m good at keeping everything else very tidy.
    4. I can’t make any baking project without making a mess.

    1. Thank you. Thank you for these great answers. Good idea to clean out the closets. That is funny about a sewing machine. I figured you would be a sewer. XO

  7. The Hubby is notorious for making a mess when working on any project, and his clean-up rate is very slow.
    He wonders why he cannot find his tools, but that’s because he left some over there while on that project, and more over here on that other one.

  8. Your fill-ins are always fun to read. 🙂 And the photos are ever precious. ~hugs~ I have to admit to something bittersweet yet silly. Years ago my husband and I brought home Klondike bars, which I’d not eaten in literal decades. The taste reminded me of my sweet maternal grandmother having them for us kids and I burst into tears. lol And I’m going to answer the fill-ins this time. Hugs, my dear.

    1. My summer bucket list includes harvesting lots of peppers, tomatoes, and (fingers crossed) some blue pumpkins.
    2. Cigarettes and Mary Jane are things you will never find in my home, either. ~nods~
    3. I’m good at keeping nothing very tidy. Heh…
    4. I can’t groom a kitty without making a mess. But Terra loves chasing the balls I roll out of Dandelion and her sister Polly’s longer fur! 🙂

    1. That is a sweet story. I can understand why it made you cry.
      Thank you for answering the fill-ins, great answers. I hope you have a big harvest. That is funny that Terra loves to chase furballs. XO

  9. 1. My summer bucket list includes lots of fresh veggies and lots of reading.
    2. Hate and turmoil are things you will never find in my home.
    3. I’m good at keeping our kitchen very tidy.
    4. I can’t do much of anything without making a mess.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to you. ♥

  10. Good for you, keeping up with litter boxes so well! Now he’s retired and I work, Sweetie does most of them and he does a good job, too.

    It’s good to see Angel Joanie and Gremmie. I hope Gremmie is well. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  11. Cute flashback photo! Sounds like a nice summer, spending time with the girls. Bet they are looking forward to the sleep overs.

  12. Love that picture of Angel Joanie and Gremmie, it brought a smile to our face when we saw it😺😺Oh, we can imagine how much you scoop, Granny says, it must be a daytime work😹We didn’t know that Klondike Bar, so we searched it. We can imagine that the chocolate falls into pieces at the first bite…just like a Magnum😸Extra Pawkisses for all of you and our fill-ins will follow soon…at least that’s the plan🐾😽💞

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