Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest

Hi everyone! This is going to be a rough week.

The girls are going to be here all day on Thursday. ALL DAY!! No sleepover yet though because they are going camping with their grandparents on Friday. Phew!

I heard Mom on the phone, and she told someone it was OK to bring their dog when they visit. Mom has a cousin visiting Wednesday and they are bringing their dog. I heard her say the dog could be in the kitchen and dining room and she would make sure no cats were there.

And then there is Dusty. She loves people, but cats, not so much. Mom figured she would let her out of the spare room and she went right after Brody. Everyone loves Brody, but not her.

  We all got Dad a Father’s Day card and gift, but Trouble tried to take all the credit. We got him a book by his favorite author, and he read the whole thing yesterday.

I heard everyone liked my hat yesterday so I thought I would model another one. I may have a new career as a hat model.

I hope everyone can stay cool in this awful heat.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop


  1. Way too much stuff going on, you poor kitty. Rosie, be patient with Dusty and let her get used to the clan. And I can see a hat modeling career in your future. Stay cool!

  2. Awww, sweet of you kitties to get your Dad a card, Rosie! This does sound like one exciting week! A puppy dog, yikes! A new kitty like Dusty may indeed take awhile to get used to everyone! And wow, another snazzy hat! XO

  3. Oh, NO. NOT DOGGIES! Well, it’s a dog’s world, someone who didn’t know cats once said….those doggies will learn quickly….Rosie you have bedroom eyes!

  4. Rosie you look perfect in pink. And I’m not sure that we approve of anyone hissing or chasing Brody. I think he’s going to have to show that girl a thing or to himself. So glad Trouble managed to help your dad read a book. You’ve got a lot of news going on here this week.

  5. A dog in Meowing Crew’s home! I can’t believe it. I am betting you all will hardly even know there was a pup there. A very special Father’s Day for your Dad. Trouble sure was interested in the card and her Dad. It may take a bit but Dusty will find her place with the Meowing Crew. Rosie, you wear the pink hat quite well!

    1. My folks had a dog until 2011 and she was good with those cats- rumor has it they stole her bed and made her sleep on the floor. XO

  6. I will never forget when a friend brought her dog to the house despite my saying that would not be good to do She brought the dog in and set him on the floor. Admiral was here at that time and it was not a good thing at all. She just opened the door and came in and set the dog down. Two of my sons were here, and she told me later that she was wanting to impress them. You should have seen all three of our faces. We were impressed alright. And Admiral was terrified. It’s good your Mom had a warning and can prepare, Rosie.
    Mom said she wondered if your Dad ever read Ray Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine?

    1. Mom offered to let them bring the dog. They were going to tie him up outside and it is soo hot. Dad read all his stuff and Asimov’s, Arthur Clarke, Ben Bova, etc. …. XO

  7. Dearest Ellen,
    No, we have not had visitors bringing a dog.
    Neither do we take our kitties to someone else’s home… 😏
    Let’s hope Dusty will soon aquaint herself to the other kitties.
    Mariette + Kitties

  8. ewe look most bee ewe tee uz in yur hat rosie N trouble thatz an awesum fotoz oh
    ewe N dad ‼️‼️😺💙 heerz hopin dusty will settle down a bit, pawz crossed her
    findz a friend, purrhaps penelope and best fizhez with de pup two morrow ‼️😺💙🐟💚

  9. WOW, that’s sure a lot going on sweet girl and it sounds like lots of hiding coming up. Yes, you may have to go back to the drawing board with Dusty and give her more time to adjust to everyone.

  10. Some kitties hate other kitties. At least you tried.

    Yes on being the hat model. We would love that.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. XO ♥

  11. Chaplin: “Trouble, it’s not nice to take all the credit for the card everyone got. But it is a smart way to get lap time and cuddles and pets. Good job!”
    Charlee: “You’re having company AND a strange dog in the house?! I hope there’s plenty of room under the sofa to hide!”
    Java Bean: “Ayyy, but the dog will be confined and no cats will have to deal with it.”
    Charlee: “The house is still being invaded!”
    Lulu: “We hope Dusty settles down and accepts the other cats like Charlee and Chaplin have accepted Oona!”
    Charlee: “‘Accepted’ is a strong word …”
    Charlee: “Nothing.”

  12. Rosie, it’s just a fact of life, some days you are the pigeon and some days you are the statue. It sounds like a mostly statue week, but this, too, shall pass.

  13. Rest up sweet kitty for your busy week ahead ~ Glad Dad had a Happy Father’s Day ~ great photos ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Rosie yore a furabuluss hat model…toetallee pawsum!
    Touble tooked THE credit?? Mew mew mew…..
    Batten down THE hatchess!!! INNCOMIN 2 feetss an Poochie! Wee have had Inntynet Tech guyss heer foe 2 dayss an mee has spent ALOT of time inn bedroom… ‘Stranger Danger’, mew mew mew…..
    Dusty soundss alot like mee. When wee are out on THE meen streetss; wee srota due not trust other Kittehss…..hopefullee Dsuty will settle down once shee reealizess nun of you are threatss to her!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

  15. Aww Rosie, you’re a super-duper hat model. So sorry Dusty isn’t keen on other cats. Clearly her life on the streets were challenging. Hopefully she’ll mellow out. Good luck with the visiting canine.

  16. You are a great hat model. Cute photo! Maybe Dusty will get used to the other cats eventually. Sometimes it just takes time. Thanks for the update and good luck with the dog.

  17. Rosie, you are the purrfect model. Another great hat for you. We hope the kids behave when they come over. We also hope Dusty changes her ways or she will be locked up for a long time.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  18. Rosie, Your new carrier is just budding…you truly h=are a great hat model!

    A pup???!!! nYes, Hide for sure!!

    We hope Dusty will eventually not chase th others…that is bad kitty manners, LOL!! Hope she can adjust!

  19. Hopefully, Dusty will come around. It’s been a long process integrating my daughter’s cats. We’re finally at the point that no one has to stay in one room for an extended period of time. Now we need to integrate the upstairs (Sgt Stripes, Gypsy, and Onyx) with the downstairs (Snoops and Angel). It’s been nine months.

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