Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone! I have lots to tell you this week. Today is Mardi Gras, also known as Fat Tuesday and you are supposed to wear beads.

  “Excuse me, Rosie, but you are wearing them wrong.”

This is how it’s done.

I see Penelope has some beads today too.

How did you get beads Penelope?

Like this.

OK, onto other things. Mom and Grammie watched the girls last week at their house. I heard they had fun. Next week is vacation week so they will be here on Monday- you know what that means- I hide and Friday, you can entertain them.

It is supposed to snow. First the man on tv said up to 12 inches then he changed it to 8 inches now he is saying up to 4 inches. Make up your mind already! I think he is just guessing.

Rusty was a little naughty, but mom will tell you about that tomorrow.

Well, that is all I have for this week. Before we go, here are some more of us wearing beads.

Joanie in a rare appearance without Gremmie


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.


  1. We kind of missed Mardi Gras – all the Super Bowl celebrating made us forget !! Anyway, you all look fab in your beads and I wish you luck when “THE GIRLS” visit………hide…..EEEK!

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. Rosie you did a good job showing all your brothers and sisters wearing beads. Now we want to know if since it’s Fat Tuesday if you will get extra treats. I don’t think Previous will though. But I’d like to get a necklace on her if I could, lol.

  3. Girls, I love seeing you in your beds. And Penelope, I gotcha!! Mom said she has been to New Orleans many many times and she has been there for Mardi Gras. Oh, she hastens to tell you THAT wasn’t how she got beads though. Meow Meow Meow!!! Rusty what did you do?

  4. LOL at Penelope! That’s the way to get the beads! You all look good in them.

  5. Happy Mardi Gras! You kitties look good in your beads. I’ve been to Mardi Gras and had a great time but once was enough for me. I can’t wait to hear about Rusty being naughty.

  6. You all wear the Mardi Gras beads with such individual style
    YIKES everything crossed for less snow.
    Have fun next week. I know you Mom has lots planned for TGO and TM
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Oona: “Beads! Interesting! Can Oona eat them?”
    Charlee: “I don’t think you’re supposed to, but, sure, go for it.”
    Chaplin: “Where is Gremmie?! I hope somebody didn’t feed him after midnight!”

  8. Y’all look terrific in your beads! That was a good report, Rusty, what did you do dude?

  9. How did you get the beads? Bwahahahahahaha. I got that.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. XO ♥

  10. Happy FAT’SS Tuesday Rosie an THE Gang!!! You all look so purrty inn yore beedss! An Penelope you are sure THE “Queen of Gettin Beedss”!!!!
    Guud luck with the Hu’man Kittss efurryone!
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  11. Oh, Penelope, you’ve scandalized me. lol I just learned that Mardi Graz translates from French as Fat Tuesday. And I’m with all those wondering what Rusty did. ~shakes head~ Having read Chaplin’s comment, I hope it didn’t involve Gremmie. lol Be well, my dears!

  12. Love the Mardi Gras photos! Everyone looks so cute. Hope you don’t get much snow. Great update.

  13. The weather man must be on a count down…so in the end, there’s no snow at all…MOL..You all look very pretty and beautiful with your beads😸😺Extra Pawkisses💞😽💗

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