It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?


Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays and Book Date’s It’s Monday What are YOU Reading?


Emmy is posing with a book I recently purchased from Thrift Books. This one is a keeper.

The Only Little Prayer You Need by Debra Landwehr Engle is a quick, but powerful read. I read most of it last week when I was waiting for Emmy at the internal medicine vet. The author points out how most of our prayers are fear-based. We fear losing loved ones, not having enough, etc.. We need to pray to change how we view things. The prayer is only 6 words long, but I fear being sued so I can’t tell you what it is. I highly recommend this book though, It came out in 2014.

I realize there are many other good prayers and I say many myself daily like Hail Mary, The Lord’s Prayer, The Prayer to St. Michael so I am not saying I agree it is the only prayer you need, but I think it should be added to whatever you say daily. 🙂

Someone will be here tomorrow. Penny was only going to post once a month, but she may want to more often. Did you see Penny on Saturday at Teddy’s assisting in the kitchen? She is a busy girl.  Click here if you missed it.



  1. I can see why you’d be reading this at the vet’s office. Probably more fervent prayers are said there than in human hospitals…

  2. Sounds like an interesting book. I say prayers many times during the day – it’s comforting. Teddy sure enjoyed having Penny in his kitchen on Saturday – that recipe was one that EVERYONE thought would be delish!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Purrayers are so beneficial and this book is such a great helper to tune into the right vibration, sweet Emmy💗Here comes a Healing Pawkiss just for you🐾😽💞

  4. That book sound good. I always felt praying for yourself was somehow selfish. I just finished reading “Operation Mincemeat” about an elaborate deception in WWII. I then saw it was a movie on Netflix. I am now reading “The Bald Eagle: The Improbable Journey of America’s Bird” by Jack E. Davis. So far, it is a history book and it is a bit depressing how we treated the bird throughout history.

    1. I’ll read it and yes, it is a hard thing to think about when it comes to how we treat our Eagles, and all animals.

  5. Thank you Emmy fur sharing your mom’s new book. Prayer is a part of my life and many of the same ones as your mom. Have been since a kid. Need ’em all the time. Loved seeing Penny cook bacon with Teddy. Hope she got home OK.

  6. Emmy is most beautiful.

    I agree that there are many prayers that we can use. I also agree that many pray when they want or fear something. God needs to hear from us about other things too.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xo ♥

  7. Chaplin: “Today our Dada is reading something called ‘A Mountain Walked’ which he says is a bunch of short stories in the style of H.P. Lovecraft.”
    Java Bean: “Lovecraft? So they are romantic stories?”
    Charlee: “Uhhh, not exactly …”

  8. Ohhhhhh Emmy and Ellen here I am on your blog and hopefully my comment publishes too .I am reading a book about Alaska on my Kindle. I am a bit obsessed Alaska. I hope to be able to read your weekend post when I hit publish.
    Hugs and everything crossed this goes thru

  9. Wee DID see Penny over at Chef Teddy’ss blog Caturday! Penny sure ISS busy!
    That book soundss furry innterestin Aunty Ellen. BellaSita sayss “Serenity Purrayer” ALOT 😉
    Wee finished “What Abigail Did That Summer” (a Rivers of London novella).
    Then wee dove innto “Final Cut” bye a Mistur SJ Watson. It iss a Psychological thriller miss-tery an it was brillaint an scarey an furrt well ritten.
    Now BellaSita Mum started ” A Room Full Of Bones” bye Miss Elly Griffith…iss a murdur misstery combined with a sad (not) love story.
    Iss guud so far Aunty!
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

      1. Serenity Prayer has saved BellaSita Mum many many timess Aunty Ellen.
        An “Final Cut” iss about a film-maker young woman who goes back to her hometown inn Northern England to unravel THE past….as in HER Past,
        Shee uncovurrs THE past all rite an sum furry seereuss memoreess!!!
        That iss all mee will say~~~it was a REEL page terner Aunty!!!!

  10. Emmy ~ you are precious ~ sweet photo ~ Prayers are energy and all kinds of thoughts and prayers work ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Emmy is a lovely cat! I am reading John Irving’s latest book The Last Chairlift. Wish me luck as it is over 800 pages- whew- very heavy to hold while reading! Cheers!

  12. It helps to start your prayers with a note of praise, for the fact that we can bring our prayers in humility and humbleness to God, who hears them all. And then to follow with our thankfuls and praises. Then to ask forgiveness, so that we are then freed from that burden to be able to humbly make any requests known before Him who will answer…and then again to give more thanks for the fact that the whole prayer is heard, and attended to, in ‘His’ time, not ours. (Think of the Lord’s Prayer, where we ask for His will to be done, and not ours alone…God is in control, whether we agree or not. We need to trust, though our human nature wants to control things ourselves…)

    We look forward to hearing from you Penny! That was a yummy recipe you brought to Teddy.

  13. Hello, friends! We’ve missed you. Well, mom decided to join a book club in our new town. She didn’t officially join yet, but started reading the book for March. And she hates it! MOL It’s “The Girls of Atomic City” or something like that. Maybe she’ll join in April.

  14. Thanks Ellen! Prayer is an important part of my life. I looked up this book and discovered the author has some incredible books. Because of where I live and the amount of books I read, I mostly read digital books on my tablet and I discovered that her “A Course of Miracles” (a self study curriculum for spiritual transformation) is available for free with my subscription (as well as an abridged audio book I can listen to on those long drives to get groceries for the feline overlords), I am absolutely delighted! This is going to be fun.>>HUGS<< YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

    1. I haven’t been on a plane in 30 years ( our honeymoon), but definitely a good time to pray.

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